At this point, we hope you know we have quite the affinity for accessories. And since we love them so much, that's exactly what we'd like to focus on for today!
We are fortunate enough to be able to work on a wide array of projects both big and small. No matter what size job we are working on, researching to find the perfect furniture, paint, flooring, etc. that we know our clients will love certainly drives us. However, our vision for any finished project ALWAYS includes accessories.
Accessories are what make a space feel complete. They are what brings life to every room! Accessories can add color, texture, and warmth while being totally useful or simply decorative. The best part is that you really get to know a person through their choice of accessories!
Now, we've talked about using accessories before and have shared some fun tips in previous posts when it comes to picking out your own. Today, we just wanted to share a few pictures from a recent photo shoot with one of our amazing clients to show you how placing just a few fun pieces totally transforms your space!